Hello Ringette Families,
Our second round of chicken fundraising is finally here. We will also be selling maple syrup this round. 1 bottle of maple syrup = 1 box of chicken. A reminder that all players must sell 25 boxes of chicken as a bond requirement.
Please note: maple syrup 1L & 2L bottles are available in glass only.
All forms are due Feb 20th. Please hand in your paper copies to your parent rep. I do apologize but we will no longer be excepting forms that are emailed in. We also will not accept cash. Please e-transfer your total amount to mitchellringettetreasurer@gmail.com or attach a cheque. Please include your child’s name and team in the message box if possible.
Chicken/Maple Syrup delivery Night will be Tuesday, March 19th and pick up will be from 5-6pm.
Each team will need to have four parents to help sort chicken. Please let your parent rep know if you’re able to help - this will count towards your bond hours. If all parents on your team have completed their bond hours, it will be up to your team to continue to fill these positions.
I will have paper copies available at the ringette bulletin board in the arena by tonight.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Justine Nater & Katie Schellenberger
Mitchell Ringette Association Goalie Development Clinic
Mitchell Arena