Please contact Shannon Cook (Registrar/Bond) or your parent rep for further information.
5 bond hours must be completed per family with 1 player
7 bond hours are required for families with 2+ players
There are many ways to earn Bond Hours within our Association:
Mitchell Ringette Executive Positions (full hours)
Head Coach/Parent Rep Positions (full hours)
Various hours awarded for the following:
Bench Staff (Trainer, Asst. Coach)
Elmira Chicken Delivery (unloading and sorting) - Nov and March
Labour Day or Christmas Parade Volunteer
Events Committee Help - Trivia Night, Ringette Day, Banquet, Dances, Breakfast, Parade
Regional Volunteer Spots - End of March
Managing/Washing team jerseys
For information/clarification on bond hour requirements please click HERE.
Mitchell Ringette Association Goalie Development Clinic
Mitchell Arena